Friday, May 21, 2010

Long Awaited update

Yes I realize I have not updated in much too long. Keira has been crawling for almost a month now and it still blows my mind how fast she is growing up. Here is a video of her crawling in the front yard.

In other news I am back at home with Keira and so glad to not be working taxes anymore. I am working a wonderful home based business that I love. RJ is about to finish up his German class and we have yet to hear from San Jose State about grad school. He has two tutoring students and is looking for a summer job. We are also looking into him getting his teaching credentials if San Jose doesn't work out this year.

We are still not in our own house, but we have begun to unpack because it is getting much closer. PG&E seem to be slowing us down more than anything at this point. I need to get new pictures of the house up so you can see all our progress!


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