Wednesday, June 22, 2011


It is hard to believe we are really into Summer now. I love summer weather, but I think Summer is one of my least favorite seasons of the year. Our schedule is totally different and it seems that major life events are always in limbo during the summer. 2008 was our graduation and wedding, 2009 was living at our parent’s house and Keira’s birth, 2010 was moving into our new house and trying to get RJ into Bethany.

Now here we are in 2011 and we have so much up in the air. With the unfortunate news of Bethany University closing RJ is stuck with a half complete teaching credential and Master’s degree. Fortunately we have been reassured from his program director that if another school does not pick up their program that he will be fully assisted in transferring to another program nearby. We are also trying to decide how to increase our income. I currently only work part-time during tax season and RJ has tutoring students during the school year, but has not picked up any summer students. God has placed some very interesting opportunities in front of us so we’ll have to see what happens.

But are always thankful for what God is doing. RJ and I were able to take an trip to Cambria and Hearst Castle for our 3 year wedding anniversary. Here are some pictures:

IMG_0473 IMG_0404 IMG_0416 IMG_0436

Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Craziness

It is amazing how fast this year is flying bye. Right now I am counting down the weeks until Tax Season is over! I love my job, but the end is always hard because I do not like being away from home so much. Hopefully next year I'll be able to cut back my hours some.

March is a fun filled month of activities. Last weekend I helped organize a BBQ fundraiser for Second Harvest food bank at my office. We did pretty good raising just shy of $200, plus we are still raising funds through the non-profit referral program. Any new client that comes in can elect to have Block make a $25 donation and it does not cost anything extra. This will be good all the way until April 18 so I am hoping to raise lots of extra money for the food bank!
This weekend is the annual rummage sale at our church, Aptos Christian Fellowship. Hopefully the rain won't kill the turnout and we'll be able to raise a lot of money for our Missions budget. I will be running the Coffee Cart so if you want to come get a Hot drink and check out the sale it is from 7am to 3pm. 

Next week we are super excited because a bunch of friends from Vanguard are coming out to our house for a mini reunion. It is going to be a lot of fun to see everyone, catch up, and just have fellowship with amazing people!

For now I'm going to enjoy the rain!

Keira is ready for the rain!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Busy Day in the Life of Keira

Checking Facebook and Yo Gabba Gabba

Cleaning the Kitchen

Working on Puzzles

Inspecting the "cave" and slide

Friday, December 10, 2010

Seasons of Joy

It is hard to believe that Christmas is nearly upon us. I feel like Halloween was just yesterday!
In the midst of our crazy schedules we managed to get a Christmas tree and some decorations up. This is our first Christmas in our very own home so it will be exciting to start family traditions as well as continue established traditions. One tradition is the Lucia Festival, which Keira was in her first time this year. I don't have the pictures loaded yet, but they will come soon. I do have others though.
We had our family photos done while in Hemet for Thanksgiving and it is amazing to see how big Keira is this year compared to last. Here are a few shots:

Last Years Pictures:

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mini Update

Keira is definitely a toddler now! She runs all around constantly asking to go outside. She loves to visit her Ponies and see the Deer walk through the property.
Daddy is working hard at Grad School and Mommy is busy with Coffee and Missions at church, but we are a happy little family. The house is slowly getting decorated and organized so it is more like a home. Unfortunately there is very little storage in the house so we have to get creative, so shelves are going up all over the place. I promise I will take pictures if the house is ever clean ;-) wink wink

This weekend is Halloween so there will be lots of pictures of Keira (and Mommy) in their costumes for the Harvest Festival.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Keira is 1 year old!

Here are a few photos from Keira's birthday weekend.

She turned 1 year old on Saturday June 26th. I cannot believe how big she is getting! We had Lily's party on Saturday and Keira's on Sunday after her Dedication at Church.