Friday, December 10, 2010

Seasons of Joy

It is hard to believe that Christmas is nearly upon us. I feel like Halloween was just yesterday!
In the midst of our crazy schedules we managed to get a Christmas tree and some decorations up. This is our first Christmas in our very own home so it will be exciting to start family traditions as well as continue established traditions. One tradition is the Lucia Festival, which Keira was in her first time this year. I don't have the pictures loaded yet, but they will come soon. I do have others though.
We had our family photos done while in Hemet for Thanksgiving and it is amazing to see how big Keira is this year compared to last. Here are a few shots:

Last Years Pictures:

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mini Update

Keira is definitely a toddler now! She runs all around constantly asking to go outside. She loves to visit her Ponies and see the Deer walk through the property.
Daddy is working hard at Grad School and Mommy is busy with Coffee and Missions at church, but we are a happy little family. The house is slowly getting decorated and organized so it is more like a home. Unfortunately there is very little storage in the house so we have to get creative, so shelves are going up all over the place. I promise I will take pictures if the house is ever clean ;-) wink wink

This weekend is Halloween so there will be lots of pictures of Keira (and Mommy) in their costumes for the Harvest Festival.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Keira is 1 year old!

Here are a few photos from Keira's birthday weekend.

She turned 1 year old on Saturday June 26th. I cannot believe how big she is getting! We had Lily's party on Saturday and Keira's on Sunday after her Dedication at Church.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Long Awaited update

Yes I realize I have not updated in much too long. Keira has been crawling for almost a month now and it still blows my mind how fast she is growing up. Here is a video of her crawling in the front yard.

In other news I am back at home with Keira and so glad to not be working taxes anymore. I am working a wonderful home based business that I love. RJ is about to finish up his German class and we have yet to hear from San Jose State about grad school. He has two tutoring students and is looking for a summer job. We are also looking into him getting his teaching credentials if San Jose doesn't work out this year.

We are still not in our own house, but we have begun to unpack because it is getting much closer. PG&E seem to be slowing us down more than anything at this point. I need to get new pictures of the house up so you can see all our progress!


Monday, March 22, 2010

Always getting herself in trouble. She got here all by herself, and she does not crawl yet...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Quick Update

Our house is getting closer to being done. The contractors have completed the foundation and they should be close to done patching things inside. The floors come in next week and then the big things left are to hook up utilities.
I am still working hard doing taxes and RJ is taking German class at Cabrillo. He will submit his Grad School application next week so cross your fingers on that. Keira is growing more everyday!

Here are a couple Pictures:
She Loves to play with the Kitty Cats

Sitting Up all by herself since Valentines day

Saturday, February 13, 2010

New Pictures of Keira

Daddy is trying to send me away! Just kidding, I love boxes.

Ready for a walk

I love jumping and playing

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Christmas Photos and Family Update

Hi Everyone! Sorry we didn't get these pictures up sooner. Melissa is now working at H&R Block as a tax preparer and RJ got hired (Finally) by Club Z tutoring who will soon be sending students his way.

Keira is growing like a weed and already has four teeth! She loves to help Grandma Julie in the office while Mom is at work. We also picked up the building permit for our house! So as soon as the rain lets up the foundation can be poured and the house can be delivered. We are hoping for a late February move-in date. We will keep everyone updated on the progress.

Here are a couple pictures from Christmas is Southern California