Wednesday, June 22, 2011


It is hard to believe we are really into Summer now. I love summer weather, but I think Summer is one of my least favorite seasons of the year. Our schedule is totally different and it seems that major life events are always in limbo during the summer. 2008 was our graduation and wedding, 2009 was living at our parent’s house and Keira’s birth, 2010 was moving into our new house and trying to get RJ into Bethany.

Now here we are in 2011 and we have so much up in the air. With the unfortunate news of Bethany University closing RJ is stuck with a half complete teaching credential and Master’s degree. Fortunately we have been reassured from his program director that if another school does not pick up their program that he will be fully assisted in transferring to another program nearby. We are also trying to decide how to increase our income. I currently only work part-time during tax season and RJ has tutoring students during the school year, but has not picked up any summer students. God has placed some very interesting opportunities in front of us so we’ll have to see what happens.

But are always thankful for what God is doing. RJ and I were able to take an trip to Cambria and Hearst Castle for our 3 year wedding anniversary. Here are some pictures:

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