Monday, November 30, 2009

First Food

Keira got to eat Sweet Potatoes last wednesday, 11/25. She has been watching mom eat and trying to steal food off her plate for a couple weeks so we figured it was about time to let her try out some yummy things. I was going to give her the first food on Thanksgiving day, but we spent it at the Titus home so I didn't want to bring the high chair over there.

Don't let the pictures fool you, she liked eating a lot. Of course she wants to hold the spoon herself.


Keira is one happy giggly girl!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Keira got to celebrate her first thanksgiving this Thursday and then braved Black friday with Mom, Grandma Julie, and Great aunt Susan. We celebrated Thanksgiving at the Titus home this year which has been a tradition for many years, but has not happened in about 4 or 5 years because many people could not make it down from Oregon. Keira was the only baby this year so of course she stole the show.

As far as shopping goes, she was a champ! I think she ended up getting more clothes than anyone else, but what else would you expect? Here is a peak at one of her new tops (leopard print of course!)

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Keira surprised us with a tooth on Tuesday. It just broke through the gums and her second is not far behind. I guess that is why she was waking up so much at night the past month. I have been trying to get a picture but she isn't so good about holding still with an open mouth :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009


I'm sure most of you are asking what the heck that means. Well, it is a fun little holiday that we created a few years back with some good friends. This was the first year it was hosted in Aptos and it went great! Keira had lots of fun and got to finally meet her Aunt Antje.